Monday, April 6, 2009

Psalm 54 – Take Hold

Last night we celebrated the first year of Austin New Church. It was an amazing time of worship, reflection, celebration, and commissioning. As I sift through all my emotions, more than anything, I just felt comfort. Seemed strange to me really… I try to be really aware of “feelings”… and that’s honestly where I was. Then I read Psalm 54 this morning:
Behold, God is my helper;
The Lord is the sustainer of my soul.
Psalm 54:4 (NAS)

When I first read this verse, it sounded like the focus was on us... my help... my sustainer. It sounds as if it’s almost written to communicate God as fuel for our agenda. But it’s not. And since our nature is to so easily make things about us, I thought I’d dig in a bit

Here’s what I found:

The Hebrew word (azar) translated into the phrase “my helper” actually means to “surround and to protect”. The word “sustains” (camak) means to “take hold of” or to “uphold”. And if you look into the NAS instead of the NIV, you see that it says not only does the Lord, “take hold of” us, He takes hold of our “soul”.

The focus is celebrating God's effort, not ours. The emphasis is on His love nature and ability, above all others, to surround and protect. The victory is found when He takes hold of our very soul. This is where true comfort comes from. When God surrounds and upholds our soul. This is true sustenance.

Father, the word “sustain” has been a big theme for me lately. I know there are all kinds of surface things that keep that in my mind, some more selfish than they should be. But I also have a great desire to find my sustenance in you alone. I desire to find comfort in you. Thank you that you are able. Thank you that you are love. And thank you for making a way through Jesus to live in a restored relationship with you. Amen.

1 comment:

  1. I think when it says, "He takes hold of our soul," it shows His desire to have a relationship with us. It is that desire of relationship that drives me to long to grow closer and closer to Him.
