Monday, April 20, 2009

Eccl. 4 – Influences

Guest Post: Tray Pruet
"Better a poor but wise youth than an old but foolish king who no longer knows how to take warning." - Ecclesiastes 4:13

Being poor creates need. Being wise and poor lets you see where you can sustain yourself…get your needs met.

I know this, I don’t want to become the old foolish king. I think about President Obama, and his Cabinet. The President can’t be completely knowledgeable in ALL areas, so he ask those people who are known for their expertise in certain areas to fill in the gaps. The president may have a working knowledge of Finance….but he has a Secretary of Finance (it may be called something else) there to instruct the President in areas of finance. A foolish President would go against (not listen to) the advice of the ‘expert’ in a certain area….much like the foolish king.

God, surround me with your men…and allow them to feel the need to speak into me, when you direct. God allow me to receive your words…..don’t allow my heart to harden. Do what it takes, Lover of my Soul.

I would still like to be more associated with the wise youth. I still enjoy the wonderment of new things. I believe this is why Christ tell us we must be like a child….a child believes 100%....whatever a parent tells them. A child believes a parent can catch them if they fall….100%. Children don’t hold anything back. To a child…a parent has super-human strength. That is the kind of faith Christ wants us to have….not a blind faith, but one rooted in trust and love.

1 comment:

  1. The thing that popped out to me was knowing how to take warnings. If we think too much of ourselves we will not listen to the warnings of others. We dismiss them as, "I know what I am doing. I don't need your help." We have to know how to take advice.
