Growing in faith is an example of something where we want the result, a stronger faith, without having to go through what it takes to get there. When it comes to faith, I wish the growth process were like an inoculation: you get one shot of faith and it protects you for life. Kind of like a measles shot. That way, we could suffer through the stretching, waiting and anxiety one time and be set from then on. Rather, as we grow in Christ we learn that faith is a muscle, not an antibody. The closer we get to Christ, the more our faith muscles are worked. Even David was continually stretched:
I am worn out calling for help; my throat is parched. My eyes fail looking for my God. (Psalm 69:3-4)Throughout his life, David found himself in situations that continued to develop his faith in God’s deliverance. From his start with Goliath to being pursued by his own son, he found the trials he faced continually increased in complexity and required him to turn more and more over to God. While it’s frustrating at times to think that our walk will never get easier, that God will continue to push and stretch us to help us grow, I find comfort in knowing that He does it out of love for us and because He knows that the discipline and strength that we develop during these times brings Him even more glory.
AMEN!!!!!!!! Wouldn't it be great to have the faith without the trials that bring it? I think it is like Brandon said a few days ago about muscles growing. When they are exercised and then rested they grow. Our faith is the same. When it is exercised, by trials, then rest they grow.