Monday, December 31, 2007

Genesis 25, Matthew 16

Monday, Dec 31, 2007 - Brandon Hatmaker (Genesis 25, Matthew 16)

(Genesis 25)

“He breathed his last and died.”

Twice in Genesis 25, this is the wording used to describe the end of a life. Sure, there were more words used (especially for Abraham), but these are profound. They are so simple and final.

There will be a day when each of us do the same. All that we have lived for on this earth, all that we have accomplished, our legacy, our fame, and our faith will no longer be built upon. We will simply breath our last breath, and die.

Solomon warns us to be aware of the focus and substance of our lives. That we do not simply chase after the wind. There is a lot of wind to be chased.

Father, an eternal perspective is so hard to grasp and hold on to. We have such simple minds and simple ways. Sometimes I feel like a preschooler thinking only in the concrete, knowing an abstract world exists. In the same breath, I rejoice, knowing that your foolishness is wiser than our wisdom. Thank you God for your greatness.

(Matthew 16)

Verse 1 says that, “The Pharisees and Sadducees came to Jesus and tested him by asking him to show them a sign from heaven”.

I hate it when I read something that the “hyper-religious” of Jesus’ time did that I can identify with. How many times have I asked for a “sign” from God. Here’s a question: Does God owe me a sign? No.

However, the sad thing is how often God has actually given me one, and how small I allow the impact to actually be. It lasts a few days or weeks. Then I forget.

Our God is so patient with us. God truly is love.

Friday, December 28, 2007

Genesis 24, Matthew 15

Friday, Dec 28, 2007 - Brandon Hatmaker (Genesis 24, Matthew 15)

(Genesis 24)

I’m amazed this morning how often we attribute God’s hand to coincidence. We’ve been doing it for years. Hundreds of years to thousands of years, things from scripture keep lining up with history and reality. Time after time prophecy was fulfilled. Experience after experience God answers prayer and affirms His leading in our lives. They are not coincidences.

In Genesis 24, Abraham’s chief servant had just told the entire “story at the well” experience as evidence to Rebekah’s family of God’s hand. Their response was captured in verse 50, “Laban and Bethuel answered, "This is from the LORD; we can say nothing to you one way or the other.”

Our response to God’s leading is most critical. Not only in action, but in word and thought. Think about the circumstances for a moment in which Rebekah’s family heard of this story. Out of the blue. They would have to have been in a place of dependency and faith in God’s leading. They were obviously not skeptical.

God welcomes our questions. Scripture clearly says if we are seeking, we will find. While it sometimes happens, because of God’s grace, it does not say if we are seeking to disprove, we will find. We should all take caution in the condition of our hearts when seeking to prove or disprove something of God. Before we ask the question, maybe we should be asking ourselves, why am I asking this question?

When we are skeptical, God already knows. It’s okay. I think it’s just best to be honest with ourselves and God about it. I do believe He wants us to all come to a knowledge of the truth. But when we are skeptical, I pray we never take the cynical attitude that we are “owed” an answer. If God were the creator of this universe, which I believe He is, and we are his creation, we are not “owed” anything.

When He is proven faithful and true. When God’s hand is revealed, whether it be through his leading or answered prayer, may we remain faithful as well.

God, help us to see your hand in our lives. Help us to attribute it to you that our faith may grow, that our confidence may increase, that we would find our peace in you. God, may this happen not only for our own experience, but so that others may see lives that are transformed and joyful as a result of trusting in you.

(Matthew 15)

Jesus reminds us of the Words of Isaiah, “These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. They worship me in vain; their teachings are but rules taught by men.”

I wonder what things today God would consider to be “rules taught by men”? There are so many themes we’ve made to be core to the “heart of the church” that are reflected in scripture. There are many that are neglected. I’m not talking about those that we do every now and then. I’m talking about the things that are CORE to our existence. We have taken simple biblical concepts, labeled them, and made them central. We have taken literal and central biblical concepts, minimized them, and made them figurative or secondary. I’m not trying to draw light to the significance of one over the other, but more so to draw attention to the neglect of one over the other.

The more I study scripture, the more I see redundant themes I naturally neglect, but are central. It’s not a coincidence that these are the themes that force me to live outside myself. The themes that I naturally lean toward and make priority are the ones that I benefit from, either corporately or personally. It takes amazing effort for us to separate ourselves from our tradition, nostalgic faith, and personal opinion to step away from all that we’ve known and take an honest look at God’s Truth. It may take an even more amazing effort to be willing to change what we believe when we see that our focus has been off base for a while. Maybe even for a long, long time.

Do we look at God’s word to DEFEND the way we live and do church, or do we look at it in an attempt to DEFINE the way we live and do church? I think this is a great question to ask.

Why should we be concerned about these things? Many reasons, but let’s think about just three: First, if we are “making disciples”, what kind of disciples are we making? Second, if we are passing along faith to the next generation, what kind of faith are we passing along? And finally, if God’s Word says that when we follow “rules” taught by men, we are worshipping Him in vain, what is the value of our worship?

Father, our agenda is so huge. Help us to truly be stripped away and trust in your agenda alone. Bring us to a place of complete dependency and peace in your ways that our worship would be pure.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Genesis 23, Matthew 14

Thursday, Dec 27, 2007 - Brandon Hatmaker (Genesis 23, Matthew 14)

(Genesis 23)

Ephron had offered the land to Abraham for free. The Hittites had already told Abraham how they felt about him, they were afraid of him, or at least respected him greatly. Abraham knew that after they had said, “Sir, listen to us, you are a mighty prince among us”. There was no doubt.

So Abraham had an opportunity to be the bully. He had an opportunity to hold his authority over a lesser people and take advantage of them. But he didn’t. In fact, he continued to show his humility, even in his posture. Verse 12 said that, “Again Abraham bowed down before the people of the land and he said to Ephron in their hearing, "Listen to me, if you will. I will pay the price of the field. Accept it from me so I can bury my dead there."

We have so much to learn from Abraham. If not him, then what about the same message from Jesus. In all of their authority, they had a servant’s heart. They did not abuse their power. They remained compassionate. Leadership 101.

Father, I pray today that in each area of our lives in which we have authority, that we recognize that the authority we are given is from you. Help us to treat it with care. Help us to keep perspective and to live under your power.

(Matthew 14)

There is so much in chapter 14. Jesus feeds the five thousand. Peter walks on the water. But today, I’m held captive by the series of events surrounding the beheading of John the Baptist.

Ultimately, John’s life was taken to cover up a marriage that was unlawful. John had already called out Philip, Herod’s brother, of this unlawful Union. Herodias, Philip’s wife was threatened. One could assume that all that she had achieved, her status, her wealth, everything was tied to that marriage. And she made sure it wasn’t questioned again. She even drug her own child into the evil scheme. The cost was the life of John the Baptist, the one who baptized the Son of God. He lost his life because he spoke the truth.

Our selfishness is one thing. Our justification is another. It’s crazy how the layers can grow and what started as a simple act can build to leave even a bystander facing our consequence. It’s amazing how, in the moment, we can live without concern for others.

God, help us not to be calloused to how our actions impact other lives. Teach us to speak truth in love, but never to neglect compassion.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Genesis 22, Matthew 13

Wednesday, Dec 26, 2007 - Brandon Hatmaker (Genesis 22, Matthew 13)

(Genesis 22)

We are told throughout scripture that we will have trials and we will have testing of our faith. While Satan tests us to bring us towards sin, we must always remember that God’s testing of us is only to build our faith. Scripture also reminds us that we will never be tempted beyond what we can stand.

1 Corinthians 10:13 says that, “No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.”

God knew the amazing strength of Abraham’s faith.

It’s interesting that in my flesh, and as a parent, I want to get frustrated with God that He would request such a thing of Abraham. So I am reminded of James’ words that we are even tempted by our own flesh, enticed, and dragged away. As I read this story, I am tempted to give way to my selfishness. We have to trust scripture, he WILL provide a way out so that we can stand up under it.

It’s so hard for us to imagine this scenario because our faith would surely fall short. But we most not forget the amazing faith of Abraham. He trusted so greatly in God’s ways and provision that he didn’t question the fact that the covenant God had made through him was surely supposed to be fulfilled through Isaac. Three days of travel, and not one word of question. Until the question cane from Isaac when he said, “Father, where’s the lamb?” Abraham’s response, “God will provide”.

So the story of Genesis 22 is an amazing testimony of the Abraham already had and a building of that faith. We often fail to even mention the faith foundation it probably built in Isaac.

So what was Abraham thinking during this experience? Did he know God would never ask him to follow through with this act? Did he know that if he did, God would provide another that would fulfill his covenant with him? Hebrews 11 gives us some insight to his thoughts in verse 19, “Abraham reasoned that God could raise the dead, and figuratively speaking, he did receive Isaac back from death.”

Bottom line, Abraham knew that death held no boundaries for our God. He had a faith that went beyond the grave. What an amazing faith.

What small thing do we have today that God is asking of us through faith? What do we have that does not shrink in comparison to what He accomplished through the lives of Abraham and Isaac?

Is it to make some unbelievable sacrifice in our personal lives? Is it to forgive someone who’s done something to us that seems unforgivable? Is it to give of ourselves to our faith and to others in ways we’ve never given? Whatever it may be let us keep perspective: Our God knows what He is doing. His ways are higher than our ways.

So then, let’s take it full circle and remember the word picture of what was to come. God himself offered up his son. He did not stop, but he turned away from His only son, that we might have life.

Thank you God that you provide life through Christ. Father, teach us perspective in this life as we go through trials and tests of faith. Help us to remember that you are still the God who is not bound by death.

(Matthew 13)

Verse 23 says, “But the one who received the seed that fell on good soil is the man who hears the word and understands it. He produces a crop, yielding a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown."

I pray that each one of us would put due diligence to being the soil that receives God’s Word to it’s fullest extent. That we would look into God’s Living Word, pray for the Spirit’s leading, that we might not only hear, but understand, and live it. We will each have moments of doubt and confusion, and when it comes, may we seek God’s revelation. May we turn away from the selfish desires of our own mind and allow God to reign sovereign in our intentions and hearts. May we celebrate His mystery and find refuge in the fact that our God’s foolishness is wiser than our wisdom.

Monday, December 24, 2007

Genesis 21, Matthew 12

Monday, Dec 24, 2007 - Brandon Hatmaker (Genesis 21, Matthew 12)

(Genesis 21)

So many times we are concerned about things that are out of our control. Today I am reminded of this when reading of Sarah’s selfishness in how she desired Abraham to treat Hagar and her son. She didn’t even refer to her as Hagar, she called her, “That slave woman”.

Verse 12 and 13, “But God said to him, ‘Do not be so distressed about the boy and your maidservant… I will make the son of the maidservant into a nation also, because he is your offspring."

Why is it that we feel like if we don’t do something, God is helpless? Sometimes we treat God like if we don’t accomplish the task, that the task won’t be accomplished. But he knows what he’s doing. Our faith will be built when we realize that we have the honor and privilege to be a part of his plan, not that we determine the success of his plan.

Father, help us to be faithful with what you have asked us to do. Open our eyes to the needs around us and give us discernment as to when we should intervene.

(Matthew 12)

It’s interesting to me that the end of Matthew 11, Jesus is speaking about how the “yolk” of following him as a Rabbi is easy and his burden is light. Then in chapter 12, the first example he sets as Rabbi, is harvest food with his disciples on the Sabbath. Of course the Pharisee’s were close by, ready to make accusations. Jesus goes on to remind them of when David’s men ate in the temple as well as the priests and were considered innocent. He then declared “Therefore it is lawful to do good on the Sabbath."

Jesus gives us a lesson on legalism here. The heart behind the law is not to do nothing at all, but to do good at all costs (to do what’s right). There are so many applications and so many variations, but all lead with love.

Father, help us to see what things in our lives we live out of obligation and legalism while we sit idly by on so many other areas that need to be addressed. Help us to yield toward your heart in each area of our lives.

Friday, December 21, 2007

Genesis 20, Matthew 11

Friday, Dec 21, 2007 - Brandon Hatmaker (Genesis 20, Matthew 11)


No wonder we needed Savior. As we study the culture of this time period, I am continuously amazed by the lack of value placed upon other people, including family. What a great contrast we see in the message of Christ. First, Lot offers his daughters to the men of Sodom, then Abraham offers his wife to Abimelech to spare himself.

Because of a lie, an innocent nation faced judgment. That’s a great reminder of sin’s collateral damage. But also a reminder of God’s greatness and justice. He came to Abimelech in a dream to let him know that he had taken Abraham’s wife, not his sister. Abimelech’s immediate response was remorse and he was able to claim his innocence. Fortunately, the condition of our heart and our intention does matter to God.

Verse 6 says, “Yes, I know you did this with a clear conscience, and so I have kept you from sinning against me. That is why I did not let you touch her.”

So many times we find ourselves in a situation of compromise and we realize we’re wrong. Whether it was intentional or unintentional, our response is critical. Do we sit in our pride and dig our feet in and point the finger, or do we seek God and find a Godly way out? Scripture tells us that Sarah was very beautiful, and the whole reason Abraham gave her up was that because of her beauty, he thought the King would take her anyway and kill him.

Wouldn’t the king be tempted to keep such a prize and ignore God? Sure, but he didn’t, because he feared the Lord. At that time his nation was “innocent” (verse 4) and he wasn’t going to be the reason God brought judgment. Most of the time, we don’t hear from God in a dream. However, he speaks to us through his direct Word and His Spirit all the time. How do we respond?

God, this morning I pray for clear leading from you. Help us to see what is at stake with our actions and the collateral damage that occurs in the lives of others. I pray for the strength and desire to follow and make decisions based upon your Word and ways. No matter the cost father, help us to follow.


It truly is a new day. What an amazing gift it is that we live under a new covenant. Jesus reminded us the method in which the kingdom of heaven had advanced in the past in opposition to his ways. In verse 12 Jesus said, “From the days of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of heaven has been forcefully advancing, and forceful men lay hold of it.

What an amazing contrast to what he said about the life he brought in verses 28-30 when he said, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."

Father, thank you that we have a Savior. Thank you that we may find rest for our souls in Him and that your Kingdom may advance through love and sacrifice.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Genesis 19, Matthew 10

Thursday, Dec 20, 2007 - Brandon Hatmaker (Genesis 19, Matthew 10)

“Before they had gone to bed, all the men from every part of the city of Sodom—both young and old—surrounded the house. They called to Lot, "Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us so that we can have sex with them." – Gen 19:4-5

Can you believe that?

I’m stunned by the condition of the world reflected in Genesis 19. The corruption, the selfishness, the immorality. I’m mostly stunned by how the men of Sodom would approach those sent of God with such confidence and angst. There was a complete lack of respect for the Lord, a complete lack of reverence or fear, a complete absence of anything good. And judgment came.

I can’t help but think about moments in my life where there was a complete lack of respect for the Lord. It happens. Not on this scale, but we’ve all had moments in which we have looked God’s instructions right in the face and said, “no thanks, I’ll do It my way”. It’s amazing to me how when we do something like that, that we forget that we are acting against the lord. That’s when the real problems set in, when we think that our sin only impact us and is a personal thing. It’s not. Our sin is always against God, and sometimes, against others. Maybe we should stop focusing primarily on the “what” or “how” we are doing things and focus more on the who we are doing it for or against. That might change our perspective. While it is true that God poured out all his anger on the cross, and the price for our sin was paid, there will still be judgment.

I can’t help but think the had the men of Sodom REALLY known who they were talking with, their attitude would have been changed. What about us?

God, may we live our lives in the hope and fear of your judgment alone. That we might stand before you and hear you say, “well done.”

(Matthew 10)

Matthew 10 holds one of my favorite verses in the Bible. It’s really a simple verse, that I feel communicates so much. Verse 25 says, “It is enough for the student to be like his teacher, and the servant like his master.”

The Greek word for “enough” translates directly to mean “sufficient”.

In our faith, we seek the “deeper” answers and truths all the time. We have this natural bent to find the hidden nugget under the rock. We try to do so much for God to prove our worthiness or at least show our thanksgiving to him. And verse 25 says, if we are his disciple, it’s sufficient to be like our teacher. Why is it so difficult to rest in this truth at times? Why do we complicate things? The ways of Jesus are profound. They are so much more than I studied in Sunday school growing up. They resonate so much more with my spirit as a believer. They are what make me hunger and thirst for more.

Father, help us to learn and live the ways of Jesus. May we rest in the knowledge and truth that to be like him is truly sufficient in your eyes.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Genesis 18, Matthew 9

Wednesday, Dec 19, 2007 - Brandon Hatmaker (Genesis 18, Matthew 9)

(Genesis 18)

So what was Abraham doing on this day? Surely he wasn’t just hanging out wasting time. It is a common belief that Abraham was sitting there, on this hot day, waiting to assist any weary travelers. He was ready for the welcoming task of offering a place for rest and the washing of their feet. It was a custom in those hot climates to do so as an act of hospitality. I would imagine your feet would get pretty dirty if all you wore was sandals. Matthew Henry gives us a picture of why he might do this when he said, “for inns were not to be met with as among us”. I guess the welcoming committee at the Hilton had the day off.

On this day, he was found faithful and had the privilege of serving the Lord. Abraham said, "If I have found favor in your eyes, my lord, do not pass your servant by.” They did not pass by, so obviously, he had found favor. I think this is a great example of why he did. Some believe these were three heavenly beings as created angels; others, that “one of them was the Son of God, the Angel of the covenant”. Either way, they clearly had the authority of the Lord and were there to judge Sodom.

How many times do we fail to entertain strangers? In fact, those are the ones that are so easy to neglect. What are their names? What is their story? Hebrews 13:2 reminds us, “Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it.” The word “entertain” comes from the the word meaning “lover of, use of, or given to hospitality”.

I think this thought was eloquently captured in something I read, “We should not be forgetful to entertain strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares, nay, the Lord of angels himself; as we always do, when for his sake we entertain the least of his brethren. Cheerful and obliging manners in showing kindness, are great ornaments to piety.”

Abraham was found being faithful to the heart of God. What will we be found doing when the Lord returns? What will our priorities be? Where will we be? What will the condition of our heart be? Will we be found faithful?

Reality is, most of the time we live our lives like we have plenty of time to “get it together” before we stand before the Lord. Scripture says we won’t know when that will happen. There will be signs, and there is, but we won’t know.

God, give us a holy passion for living for you in every moment now. May we be found faithful. Thank you for your grace where we fall short, so many times. Purify our hearts that our intentions might be a reflection of your love and purpose.

(Matthew 9)

There is so much amazing stuff in Mathew 9. Here’s just a quick thought from verse 2 where it says, “Some men brought to him a paralytic, lying on a mat. When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralytic, "Take heart, son; your sins are forgiven."

As discussed later in verse 4-9, it’s interesting to me that Jesus did not say, “you will no longer be paralyzed”. That puts it in perspective, doesn’t it? A random thought I had today as I read this was the reality of how paralyzing our sin truly is. It stops us in our tracks. The same sin that separated us from our God initially, if left unaddressed in our lives, impacts us in so many ways. Yes, God has forgiven us from the eternal consequence of that sin, but when we allow it to creep back into our lives, it becomes cancerous to our relationships, ability to discern Gods will, desire to seek Him more, keeps us out of His Word, brings us paralyzing guilt, the list goes on and on.

Father, help us to remember that our greatest treasure and peace, comes from the reality of our salvation. May it’s personal value not be negatively impacted by our physical condition, emotional instability, financial blessings, or other circumstance. Help us to maintain perspective, that we might be thankful at all times, that you might be glorified, and that we might experience abundant life in Christ.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Genesis 17, Matthew 8

Tuesday, Dec 18, 2007 - Brandon Hatmaker (Genesis 17, Matthew 8)

(Genesis 17)

“No longer will you be called Abram; your name will be Abraham, for I have made you a father of many nations. I will make you very fruitful; I will make nations of you, and kings will come from you.”

Let there be no doubt that our God changes lives. Let there be no doubt. Here, he not only changed Abrams life, he changed his name. Then he spoke a blessing over him.

I believe when we speak blessing to someone, it is empowering. Not only should we be careful on negative words, but we should go out of our way to speaking positive words to others.

I pray that we are a continued encouragement to each other as brothers in Christ. I pray that we do what Colossians 3 says to not only correct one another gently but to sharpen and encourage each other, putting on love above all.

(Matthew 8)

Verses 1-3 say, “When he came down from the mountainside, large crowds followed him. A man with leprosy came and knelt before him and said, "Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean." Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man. "I am willing," he said. "Be clean!"

Take that in for a moment: Jesus said, “I am willing”

Seems to be the theme of His life. Why wouldn’t it be? God has always been willing to make the sacrifice, offer grace, and be forgiving. Seek, the bible says, and you will find.

I’m through with wondering if God wants His best for us. He does. He gave us His best through Christ. He came to earth to give us life to the full. Why would we ever doubt.

God, thank you for your greatness. Thank you for your blessing. Thank you that you give us full life. May we claim your power as your child. May we claim your joy each day!

Monday, December 17, 2007

Genesis 16, Matthew 7

Monday, Dec 17, 2007 - Brandon Hatmaker (Genesis 16, Matthew 7)

(Genesis 16)

Paul wrote to the Colossian church, “Therefore, as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.”

With that in mind, I’m trying to look at things in that light a bit more. Then I read Genesis 16. Verse 1 and 2 start out, “Now Sarai, Abram's wife, had borne him no children. But she had an Egyptian maidservant named Hagar; so she said to Abram, "The LORD has kept me from having children. Go, sleep with my maidservant; perhaps I can build a family through her."

Could you imagine the emotional pain and insecurity Sarai was feeling at this moment? Here was a woman who was married to the man God had chosen to build His holy nation through, and she couldn’t get pregnant. I don’t know if she had any inspiration or confirmation from God at this point, only a word from her husband that she had to trust. And in her eyes, she was a complete failure to her husband and her God.

So here is a woman who’s husband has told her that God said his descendants would be as many as the stars, she was his only wife, and could not conceive. She became so desperate, lost faith, and took matters into her own hands. I don’t know why God didn’t confirm her directly (God confirmed both Mary and Joseph of their amazing adventure ahead). Although her later actions and attitudes toward Hagar were out of bitterness and injustice, today I hurt for her, what a pressure situation.

Here’s the deal: everyone has a story. Everyone comes from something, somehow, or somewhere that we can’t quite grasp the entirety of the situation. So less we judge. Instead, let us show compassion and grace.

My wife reminded me about this in other stories of scripture. Let’s think about Bathsheba for a moment. So quickly I go to, “Well, what the heck was she doing bathing on the roof? How could she ever come over and sleep with David? She was married, how could she do that? How could David ever resist her, if she was so beautiful?

Now imagine being Bathsheba. We don’t know exactly why she was on the roof except to bath, but there is a biblical reference to a ritual bath connected with the uncleanness that was upon a woman for seven days after her menstrual period. Why was Bathsheba bathing so publicly? She probably did not consider it public. The middle eastern houses had roofs with walls that came to about waist height. If Bathsheba was summoned to the King's palace, then she came to the palace or risked execution for defying the King

Imagine what was going through her mind when she was summoned and then solicited. In her mind, did she have a choice?

The military has recognized how authority does crazy things to our minds. There are strict policies against fraternization across the ranks. The reason? When you are under someone’s authority, even when you’ve always thought something is wrong, you begin to question your own discernment when told or asked to do something “out of line”.

That’s a lesson to those of us in authority as well. Whether it’s professional or personal (bosses or husbands)

Everyone has a story. Even the homeless guys we reach out to in downtown Austin. The stories are not what the majority of us think. While many of them might have given up hope, most of them aren’t there because they are lazy and don’t want to work. We should all make effort to empathize with others, especially when we are ignorant to their situation.

Bottom line in my mind, Abrahm slept with Hagar (I won’t even get into the emotions involved for her). Sarai didn’t do it. She blessed it. But we all have to own our own actions. Abrahm blew it on his one.

God, soften our hearts for others. You have extended us so much Grace. Help us, dear Lord, to extend it to others. Help us to own our actions, it’s so natural to blame someone else.

(Mathew 7)

There are two things that stand out to me today (while there are so many more) from Matthew 7. The first from verse 1 and 2, "Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you”. This is pretty self-explanatory. A great reminder to us all.

The second is found in verses 16-18: “Likewise every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit.”

The word “good” is used to describe two things in this scripture. The first usage describes a tree and the second, the fruit.

While translated to be the same word in English, the original words are different. They mean the same thing, but have a different value. Both mean good or beneficial, but the word used to describe the tree illustrates goodness as an intrinsic value. The word used for good to describe the fruit does not. It’s credited as valuable and virtuous, but not intrinsic.

Intrinsic is defined as “belonging to a thing by its very nature.” Only through Jesus can we have this genuine “good” nature.

I guess my point is this, when we are to a place in our faith in which goodness becomes an intrinsic values, the fruit is NOT ours. Fruits purpose is outside of ourself. It’s valuable and virtuous to others. It’s a part of us and is our value, but its direction is outward. It’s focus is others, not just in what we do, but in how and why we do it. For me, this is just one more reminder that helps keep things in perspective.

Father, please keep working on us. Change us from the inside out so that our fruit would be evident to everyone. Make our fruit, good.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Genesis 15, Matthew 6

Friday, Dec 14, 2007 - Brandon Hatmaker (Genesis 15, Matthew 6)

(Genesis 15)

Verse 1 says, “After this, the word of the LORD came to Abram in a vision: "Do not be afraid, Abram. I am your shield, your very great reward.”

What an amazing promise.

We also see in the following verses a beautiful dialogue between Abram and God. Abram has some very direct questions. And he asks them. It’s odd to me how we think it’s wrong to ask God questions. Our God is secure and confident. Our questions are welcomed. Why? Because He has the answers to all of our questions.

So Abram asked his questions. God answered the questions. And scripture simply says, “Abram believed the LORD, and he credited it to him as righteousness.”

The difference between Abram and us is the fact that when God answered, he believed, and moved on to the next thing. Many times we ask, “Are you sure God?” and sit and dwell on it.

I thought it was interesting also what was said in verse 1 that it was his “great reward”. For what? We find the answer for that in the prior Scriptures. An example of that is in the closing verses of the last chapter when it says, “22 But Abram said to the king of Sodom, "I have raised my hand to the LORD, God Most High, Creator of heaven and earth, and have taken an oath 23 that I will accept nothing belonging to you, not even a thread or the thong of a sandal, so that you will never be able to say, 'I made Abram rich.”

The four Kings had seized all the goods of Sodom and Gomorrah. When Abrams crew recovered it all, The King of Sodom’s offer to Abram was to keep all the goods and just return the people. Can you imagine that? A Kingdom’s possessions! That surely would represent millions today, if not more. And yet, Abram was faithful to following the Lord’s direct leading in being provided for by God alone.

So verse 1 was his reward, God said, “Abram, I am your shield.” What more can a man ask for?

Father, help us to seek after your treasures only. Helps us to be content with your provision as you provide. Help us to know that you give as we can handle and you always have more available when needed whether that be comfort, peace, vision, or provision. Thank you father for calling us to be heirs to the King.

(Matthew 6)

Jesus made it clear that his desire is that we have peace. The thing I struggle with more than anything is related to that concept. It’s so difficult to not think, be concerned, worry, about what’s next. Sometimes for reasons that even may seem righteous. But it shows where our faith truly is in God’s provision. Verse 25 is a great comfort to me.

"Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?”

I think this verse has a much broader meaning than just our physical need.

Father, I pray for a faith and confidence that exceeds our human ability. Thank you for your proven faithfulness and provision. Forgive me where I forget.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Genesis 14, Matthew 5

Thursday, Dec 13, 2007 - Brandon Hatmaker (Genesis 14, Matthew 5)

(Genesis 14)

The wrong place at the wrong time. When it comes to our lives, it’s funny how the older we get the less that happens, but it still happens. Probably has something to do with maturity or experience. Maybe it has something to do with learning from our past. When it happens, sometimes it’s a coincidence, but more than not, it’s because of a compromised or poor decision. I believe it’s in moments of taking our eye off what is important that leads us to being out of place, whether it’s physical, emotional, spiritual, or even financial.

Lot experienced a little of this in Genesis 14. Although he wasn’t a part of any of these great armies that went to war, he became a casualty of war. Verse 12 says, “They also carried off Abram's nephew Lot and his possessions, since he was living in Sodom.”

Call it “guilty by association” or call it being in the “wrong place at the wrong time”, whatever it is, we need to recognize our surroundings, our influences, and our focus in relationship to Christ at all times.

God, help us today to surround ourselves with the right people with the right attitudes and right hearts. Keep us away from negative influence. Help us to make wise decisions. All these things, Lord, so that you might be glorified in and through us. All these things, Lord, that we might share your love with others.

(Matthew 5)

What a beautiful image. There is a huge crowd beginning to follow Jesus, seeking after just a touch from him, or maybe a word of blessing. He goes up on a mountainside and sat down. His disciples all gathered around and he began to teach them. The first thing that comes out of his mouth is, “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.”


The Greek word for “poor” could be translated more directly as “beggar”. This verse calls us to recognize our “spiritual poverty” and our need for Christ.

One of the things I’ve noticed as we’ve spent time as a church feeding the homeless is their humility. You have to be taken pretty low in life to stand out on a street corner and beg. What a recognition of need that exists when you are willing to stand in line for an hour for a cheeseburger or fight in line for a coat, regardless of how it looks or fits. After a while, you may become calloused to the humility, but at one point you’ve hit rock bottom, realize you have nothing and resort to begging others for it.

Jesus said that we are blessed when we realize that this is our spiritual condition before God. He came to this world because we need help. He made the sacrifice to offer the exact help we need. Without him, we sit on an empty street without food or shelter. Eventually we will starve or freeze to death.

How foolish for those of us who know Christ to live as if we don’t. I’m challenged this morning to think about the spiritual food I’ve rejected and the clothes of his ways I’ve cast off. I wonder how foolish that looks to others who have watched it happen. I wonder how it makes God feel.

Father, thank you, for the reminder of our spiritual condition without Christ. But even more so, thank you for the blessing we have because of your gift of life.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Genesis 13, Matthew 4

Wednesday, Dec 12, 2007 - Brandon Hatmaker (Genesis 13, Matthew 4)

(Genesis 13)

It’s an amazing journey we live in faith. Each day builds on the last, whether that is a building block of failure or success, the next day is impacted. We live daily under the Grace of Christ to overcome the days of failure and/or poor choices. It seems easier to build upon our successes. One of the hardest things as a believer to do is truly live a holy lifestyle. Not just in the body, but also in the heart, soul, and mind.

Scripture tells us that through the Spirit, we have everything we need to live a holy life. That can mean only one thing, when we’re not living it (or at least getting closer), we’re not tapping into the power of the Spirit. I have a suspicion that will be a life-long journey. I’m okay with that when you consider this life v.s. eternity. That’s a short battle.

This is just me, but I wonder if Lot was having a bit of a spiritual battle when he chose where to pitch his tents. Verses 12-13 say, “Abram lived in the land of Canaan, while lot lived among the cities of the plain and pitched his tents near Sodom. Now the men of Sodom were wicked and were sinning greatly against the Lord.”

Each decision is critical. Sometimes we seem to “set ourselves up” for failure. Many times we feel like we are doing good by not jumping into a decision to sin with both feet. But scripture tells us clearly to get as far away from it as possible. It’s amazing how close we get to the cliff of sin, looking over the edge, thinking about it but never planning on jumping. Sad thing is, the longer we stand there just looking, the higher the odds are that we’ll fall.

Whether he did it deliberately or not, Lot chose to camp very close to some “rough company”. We’ve all heard the stories about Sodom. He chose to camp right next door. I wonder today if it was tempting to stay there so that he might “take part” a bit. Maybe he was just curious. Either way (or neither way) it makes me think about our faithwalk today.

Father, help us to find strength in running from even the appearance of sin. Give us joy in pursuing your Holiness, not abusing our freedom in Christ.

(Matthew 4)

The more things change, the more they stay the same. In Matthew 4, we see an account of Jesus’ temptation by Satan. While cleverly crafted, his attacks are always full of lies and deception and focus primarily on the carnal “needs” of man. Satan knows what he’s doing.

In verses 3-4, Satan tempts Jesus through his need for PROVISION. He was certainly hungry, but had been drawn out into a season of fasting as a spiritual exercise. He was being tempted to take care of himself and take matters into his own hands.

In verses 6-7, Satan tempts Jesus through his need for PROTECTION. He brought question to mind whether or not God really loved him enough to save him physically if needed. This was an attack on his emotional state and need for security.

In verses 8-9, Satan tempts Jesus through his need for POSSESSION. We are very selfish people. To ignore that would be very destructive. We have a carnal desire to own stuff, to be first, to take priority, to be on top.

How does Satan do this? He showed him what he was missing out on, took God’s word out of context, and encouraged him to focus on himself. That was the same strategy he used with Eve in Genesis 3. It’s the same strategy with us every day.

Father, we need your intervention. We need your Spirit to lead us. If that leading is into the “desert”, help us to remain focused and committed to your truth. Jesus’ greatest defense was His knowledge of your Word. God, help us to know your truth. Help us to grow in it and gain a supernatural understanding of how it applies to each scenario of our lives, that you alone might be glorified.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Genesis 12, Matthew 3

Tuesday, Dec 11, 2007 – Brandon Hatmaker (Genesis 12, Matthew 3)

Monday, December 10, 2007

Genesis 11, Matthew 2

Monday, Dec 10, 2007 – Brandon Hatmaker (Genesis 11, Matthew 2)

(Genesis 11)

What an interesting story reminding us about our sinful nature. God had recently given a new covenant to Noah and his sons marking it with a sign of restoration and safety. I would imagine each one of them had a firm understanding of the authority of God, His power, His love (the list goes on and on) and yet here in Genesis 11, just a handful of generations away, Idolatry enters with scene. The tower of babel was the chief seat of that idolatry. Instead of continuing to uphold our end of the covenant, we build idols and seek ways to achieve forms of “godliness” ourselves. Can you imagine how foolish it would be to build a tower in which we really thought we could reach heaven?

Verse 4 says, "Come, let us build ourselves a city, with a tower that reaches to the heavens, so that we may make a name for ourselves and not be scattered over the face of the whole earth."

The word “name” comes from the Hebrew word “renown”. By it’s own definition, they were literally saying let us create for ourselves a “memorial of individuality, by implication, honor and authority.” It doesn’t denote, necessarily, an actual “name” but more so a “position”. In this context, their position was in relationship to heaven and celestial beings (angels), and God himself.

I’ve always been confused about this scripture and wondered why God didn’t just appreciate their desire to be close to Him. Here’s why: They weren’t trying to be close to God or do something to honor God, they were trying to position themselves on par with God. They were trying to be gods. That’s always been a HUGE problem with God.

Verse 6 shares some insight. “The LORD said, "If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them.” He was saying, geeze, if they’ll do this, they’ll try anything!

God was not making a statement of FACT that nothing was impossible for them to achieve. He was making a statement of what they believed. He knew that if they felt any type of success in this building (which in our humanity, we always measure our success by our standards, not Gods) it would only create more self-destructive tendencies. This wasn’t an overnight project, this probably was taking years, imagine the cultural shifting that was taking place during this project of tangent “hope”.

He said, “nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them.” Key words, “for them”. It was THEIR reality. But, it was NOT reality.

In their own minds, if they tried this, there was nothing they wouldn’t try. The Hebrew says that “nothing would be restrained” in their “plotting, devise, and purpose”. God was NOT creating more of a dependency upon Him, he was protecting them from themselves.

But as we know, God took care of things. How? Did he wipe them out again? No, he promised he wouldn’t do that (although he could, since man had already broken their side of the covenant). He simply confused them, and sent them on their own way.

Was God afraid they would actually reach heaven? No, of course not. I believe that the Tower of Babel was a form of grace. Mankind was up to something terrible. They had lost their focus. They were replacing God in their minds. God stepped in, and separated them from themselves. Kind of like breaking up a fight with your brother. Like only a father would.

Father, thank you for saving us from ourselves. Thank you that you know what our nature and our weaknesses are. Thank you for intervening in our lives.

(Matthew 2)

It’s amazing what happens in our carnal minds when God is calling us to do something spiritual that “disturbs” our lifestyle, “disturbs” the pattern of something we want to keep doing, “disturbs” our grip on something we’ve always thought we had “control” on, or “disturbs” an area of life we’d rather God not change.

I guess that’s how Herod felt when Jesus was born, “ When King Herod heard this, he was disturbed, and all Jerusalem with him.” What TERRIBLE things followed.

God, may we see the areas in our life that you want to change as a blessing. Help us to see it as a joy on our journey that we might have such a faith, that even what might seem as a disturbance, can be seen in the way you intended. May that strengthen our faith and our dependency upon you.

Friday, December 7, 2007

Genesis 10, Matthew 1

Friday, Dec 7, 2007 – Brandon Hatmaker (Genesis 10, Matthew 1)

(Genesis 10)

This chapter speaks of the three sons of Noah, that of them was the whole earth overspread. No nation but that of the Jews can be sure from which of these seventy it has come. The lists of names of fathers and sons were preserved of the Jews alone, for the sake of the Messiah. This morning I am reminded how from the beginning, what an amazing, intentional God we have.

(Matthew 1)

“Thus there were fourteen generations in all from Abraham to David, fourteen from David to the exile to Babylon, and fourteen from the exile to the Christ.” Matthew 1:17

Once again, we see the amazing deliberacy (is that a word?) of our God. I find myself amazed by how what started in Genesis, truly leads to the birth of Christ. I am amazed how the entire message of the Old Testament points towards the need and coming of our Savior. It’s interesting, while we feel Christ is just for us, really He’s part of the Fathers plan to bring us back to Him.

I think sometimes we read God’s word and lose perspective. It’s so easy to make it about us instead of what God is doing in the world, his plan, and how we might fit into it. Since we’re in Matthew, let’s think about Christmas, for example. It’s the celebration of the birth of Jesus, but the reality is, we have truly made it about us, and our families. I don’t believe it’s wrong to give gifts to one another and have an amazing family time, but let’s remember others during this season that are without. Let’s remember Christ’s purpose as much as His existence. To serve others.

Father, this entire lineage points to Jesus, from there we can all become heirs to the throne through the cross. Thank you for your grace. Teach us God to be concerned about others and to love others as much as ourselves.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Genesis 9, Jude

Thursday, Dec 6, 2007 – Brandon Hatmaker (Genesis 9, Jude)

(Genesis 9)

In reading Genesis 9, I was struck by God’s attention to detail in describing our responsibility before him in relationship to animals. He even said for each one he will demand an accounting. I think that’s an insight to the responsibility that comes with the position of authority. That’s a great word picture when I think about how we treat those in our lives whom God has placed us in authority over, whether it’s our children, wives, even employees.

But I’m even more struck by the last part of verse 5 when he writes, “And from each man, too, I will demand an accounting for the life of his fellow man.”

The word used to describe the “life blood” that is used in this verse in the NIV, comes from the word “vitality”. As the church, we have such great responsibility in the accounting for the life of others. While certainly each one of us will stand before God and give an account for our life, I believe with all my heart the health of a church, it’s ministries, it’s passions, it’s authentic relationships impact greatly the “vitality” of each person’s faith and faith journey. This is a sobering thought when I think about all the lives that will walk through our doors, hear about our church, be served a free meal on the street, be challenged to love on another, sit through a sermon, or visit a community group (the list goes on and on). My question today for me, for the people in my life, or for just in my day, am I contributing to the “vitality” of their life (in Christ)? I believe even the neutral we will give an account.

The other thing that caught my eye was from verse 17, “So God said to Noah, "This is the sign of the covenant I have established between me and all life on the earth."

When we think about God’s covenant, we should remember that it literally represents a two-sided agreement. So many times we think of it as only something we must do. On the contrary, and not that he owes us anything, God is making a promise to us. No doubt, he has been and will be found faithful. How terrible the day, in light of his faithfulness, to be found out that we did not uphold our side of the bargain!

First Father, I pray that we would see others through your eyes. Help us to recognize the negative or neutral impact we have on others so that we might press forward into fostering vitality in the lives of your children. God, may it start with us. Give us a JOY that surpasses all understanding. Give us a JOY that your Word says is our strength. May your Spirit fill us so much that our vitality overflows into the lives of others. May we be found faithful, father, in our service to you and others.


The list is huge. All the things Jude outlines as characteristics and accusations of the ungodly. I began to write them all down but instead was encouraged by the very first verse when Jude described the ones whom this letter was penned for, “To those who have been called, who are loved by God the Father and kept by Jesus Christ: Mercy, peace and love be yours in abundance.”

Of all the warnings, I’m drawn by the description of verse 12 about the “clouds without rain”.

So many times we can look at the wrong things we’ve done and easily critique or try not to do it again. So many times we can justify our actions as being okay in our own minds. But a cloud without rain is just useless. It does nothing. It offers no nourishment (although it’s designed to do so). It does not fulfill it’s role in nature and if all clouds were the same, it would literally break down the ecosystem cycle. All it does is block the sun. Literally.

God, may we stay in your Word that we might always keep in the front of our minds the things that oppose your ways. Help us to do as the Psalmist says “I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.” Through your Word, help us to see our nature of selfishness. Help us to see it as a problem, that on this journey we would constantly fight against. Thank you God that we are just a part of this great plan. We recognize that it does not all depend on us, but thank you for the thrill and privilege of being a part of it. May we be found faithfull.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Genesis 8, 3 John

Wednesday, Dec 5, 2007 – Brandon Hatmaker (Genesis 8, 3 John)

(Genesis 8)

In verse 15, God told Noah to let out every animal and have all of his family exit the ark. At that point, he gave them a divine task. “…multiply on the earth and be fruitful and increase in number upon it.”

Not only are we to multiply, but also be fruitful. Of all the things God wanted them to do, these were the first two things he said to them. It’s such a simple thought, but important. So many times we seem to just exist. When we do, the impact of our lives is minimal and most certainly not intentional. I think it’s interesting that it is more of our nature to “multiply”, but more of God’s leading that makes us fruitful. While I don’t know if that is an intentional connection to a relationship or not, it seems that in order to do both well, we would need God’s hand.

I think that is a great list of two things for the church. Honestly, that’s the first thing I thought of when I read the chapter today. I’ve always believed a healthy church is a growing (multiplying) church. If it’s not, something is off. It doesn’t mean they are bad, just that something is off a bit (or a lot). Maybe it wouldn’t be growing in ways we can see or in ways we would typically measure it, but when God is honored, he will draw people to him. But the fruit, the fruit should be obvious. I’m not talking about fruit that we benefit from only, I’m talking about fruit for others, efforts for others, impact for others.

God, help us today to see the areas in our lives that we are not looking outward. Help us to have a heart and mind for multiplying ministry and sharing the Good News to those around us. Help us dear God to pursue the things in our lives that will produce a fruit that is from you and your Word in our lives. Help us to remain in you, attached to the vine.

(3 John)

While 1 John was written to all believers, 2 John a specific church, 3 John was to a specific leader in the church, Gaius. I’ve always thought 3 John presents a great list of questions we can ask ourselves as a measuring stick of our walk as leaders in the church. Each question comes from something John commended Gaius for.

1. Is your SOUL getting along well? (vs.2)
2. What do others REPORT about you? (vs.3-4)
3. Who are you SERVING? (vs.5)
4. Are you on a TEAM? (vs.7-8)
5. Is your PRIDE in check? (vs.9-10)
6. Do you IMITATE what is good? (vs.11)
7. Do you make effort to KNOW others? (vs.13-14)

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Genesis 7, 2 John 1

Tuesday, Dec 4, 2007 – Brandon Hatmaker (Genesis 7, 2 John 1)

(Genesis 7)

I’ve always thought that the most awful way to die would be to drown. Whenever I’ve seen it in a movie, it seems to suck me in, and I find myself gasping for breath as I watch. To be honest with you, I find myself short of breath right now just thinking about it. While I imagine it would seem like an eternity, it only takes a moment to drown.

I know it’s a morbid thought. I know many struggle with God’s judgment. I’m having a difficult time writing about it. But the consequence of God flooding the earth was just. But here is a question, why did God need to flood the earth for 150 days? Verse 24 says, “The waters flooded the earth for a hundred and fifty days.” It certainly did not take that amount of time to accomplish a complete “cleansing” of the earth.

I wonder if it was for Noah. I wonder if, for him and his family, it was a time God was working on them. Imagine being on that boat, in complete isolation, as a result of following God. They were saved and they had 150 days of nothing to do but think about that fact. You couldn’t help but ponder what God had in store next. You couldn’t help but be humbled by the fact that He chose to spare you. You couldn’t help but wonder, “how long is this gonna last?” You couldn’t help but wonder, “Does God know we’re about to run out of food?” Then, once again, he is found faithful.

Hopefully, we would learn, that He already knew all those answers.

So whatever place we are in today, whatever spiritual, emotional, or physical condition, what is God teaching us? What are the questions in our minds and spirits? What have we learned from God’s faithfulness in the past about HIS nature vs MAN’S nature? What can we learn about God today?

Father, thank you for the tough experiences in our lives, that increase our dependency on you. May each struggle and victory as a parent, a child, a husband or wife, an employee or boss, as a man or woman of God draw us closer to you. Help us to continuously see each day as a part of the journey of faith, each day.

(2 John 1)

I absolutely love what John had to say in this first chapter. Verse 5-6 say, “I am not writing you a new command but one we have had from the beginning. I ask that we love one another. And this is love: that we walk in obedience to his commands. As you have heard from the beginning, his command is that you walk in love.”

At first blush, you might say, “Wait a minute, Jesus said in John 13 (and John was the one who wrote it down) that to love one another was a NEW command, then John said it was NOT a new command. What’s the deal?”

When we typically speak about the beginning, our minds go straight to Genesis. We think about the creation of the earth. We think about God creating Adam and Eve. We think about the fall of man and the Journey thereafter in the Old Testament. The thing I love about John is that when he speaks about the beginning, he speaks about Jesus.

John had completely thrown off the past and covenant of old. He truly believed and lived that the beginning of his existence, as well as the churches, began with Jesus. It was new command that Jesus gave, but it was the same “old” command that Jesus gave later, that John gave. The beginning was Jesus. Like John said, “As you have heard from the beginning, his command is that you walk in love.”

It’s not just part two. It’s a new life. It’s a new way. It’s a new covenant. It’s a new Spirit.

God, give us the perspective and faith of John. Help us to see the ways of Jesus, life in him, forgiveness through him, and our future with Him as EVERYTHING. May we cast off the ways of old. May we cherish every moment as children of God through the blood of Christ.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Genesis 6, 1 John 5

Monday, Dec 3, 2007 – Brandon Hatmaker (Genesis 6, 1 John 5)

(Genesis 6)

Noah lived during corrupt times. Genesis 6 does a pretty good job of painting that picture. There was some crazy stuff going on, enough that God couldn’t stand it anymore and planned a “purging”, if you will. In the middle of all of it all, scripture says, “But Noah found favor in the eyes of the LORD.” It says that, “Noah was a righteous man, blameless among the people of his time, and he walked with God.” So he had a great reputation, people liked him, and even greater, he walked with God. Could you imagine the moment he started building the ark and people starting wondering what the heck he was doing? I wonder how often Noah struggled as well.

Chapter 6 doesn’t paint a picture of how Noah felt about that task. I would imagine, because he’s human, that he went through a range of emotions. But I’m struck by the detail in which God led Him. He was very deliberate in his instructions from the coating of the interior of the ark, to how close the ceilings should come to the roof, to how many levels the ark would have. I wonder if Noah could have built an ark and figured out the details himself once God told him what the task was without knowing the details? He probably could have. I wonder if God gave Him all the details to give him confirmation of His intentionality. That He was truly in it, with each detail. That it was, indeed, a divine task. How could God be so deliberate and he miss it? He didn’t. He got the message. Whether Noah struggled with the task or not, the final verse from this chapter says it all: Vs. 22, “Noah did everything just as God commanded him.”

Father, whatever our task in life, may we follow you. God, I don’t believe you are a God of incidental ways. I believe you have a divine plan. Teach us God to find our place. Give us comfort when we point our ship into the fog when we know you told us to go that direction. May we celebrate you God when the fog clears and your plan is revealed. May we stay true to your ways with our families, in our friendships, in our profession, and with you dear God as we claim Jesus as our banner.

(1 John 5)

Verse 3 says, ”This is love for God: to obey his commands. And his commands are not burdensome.”

So, let’s be honest, why do they feel like a burden at times? Scripture CLEARLY says it’s not because of God or His commands. In fact, Jesus said a NEW command he gives, to love as he has loved. How can that be a burden? Jesus said that his yolk is easy and his burden is light. I believe with all my heart that it becomes a burden only when we are either doing the wrong things, or with the wrong intention. If each of us were to think about it, there have been moments in our faith journey in which we can unmistakenly say, “that just felt right”. We have to be careful, I’m not talking about emotion and feelings, I’m talking about something that truly nourishes your soul and resonates with the Spirit that lives inside of you as a believer. There’s a huge difference, and it’s obvious. We need to press into those things. We need to chase after them as a priority. We need to cast off the things that do not result in freedom, joy, peace, and love. Deep inside, we know the difference. It’s built into each of our being and is testified by the Spirit.

God, help us to claim today your truth that, “The Joy of the Lord is my Strength”. Help us to chase after the things that resonate with our spirit more than our tradition. May we find peace, joy, and fulfillment in you during our journey.

Friday, November 30, 2007

Genesis 5, 1 John 4

Friday, Nov. 30, 2007 – Brandon Hatmaker (Genesis 5, 1 John 4)

(Genesis 5)

It’s interesting to me that of all the children of Adam, that the Bible brings light to the faith walk of Enoch. Enoch was of the seventh generation of Adam’s lineage and the great grandfather of Noah. Verses 22b-24 say, “ Enoch walked with God 300 years and had other sons and daughters. Altogether, Enoch lived 365 years. Enoch walked with God; then he was no more, because God took him away.”

All the discussion of his life was boiled down to two things. The first, that he had children with Godly descendants. What a legacy. And second, that 300 of the 365 years he walked the earth, he walked with God. That’s a pretty important list of two things. Makes my 29 of 35 years of faith seem awfully small, especially in relation to the years God would probably actually label as me “walking with him”. I pray it would be credited as years and not months, weeks, or days.

When I look at this scripture, my nature is to instantly ask, “hey, what about the other 65 years?” But God does not make focus on that. It focuses on his years of devotion. 300 years! Can you imagine a growing faith for 300 years?

But then my mind thinks, “So, why did God take him away?” Hebrews 11:5 gives us the answer to that. God found such favor with him, that he rescued him from this world. Look at what Hebrews says, “By faith Enoch was taken from this life, so that he did not experience death; he could not be found, because God had taken him away. For before he was taken, he was commended as one who pleased God.

Here’s some thoughts from a commentary that I read recently on Enoch, “The Spirit, instead of saying, Enoch lived, says, Enoch walked with God. This was his constant care and work; while others lived to themselves and the world, he lived to God. It was the joy of his life. Enoch was removed to a better world. As he did not live like the rest of mankind, so he did not leave the world by death as they did. He was not found, because God had translated him, Heb 11:5. He had lived but 365 years, which, as men's ages were then, was but the midst of a man's days. God often takes those soonest whom he loves best; the time they lose on earth, is gained in heaven, to their unspeakable advantage. See how Enoch's removal is expressed: he was not, for God took him. He was not any longer in this world; he was changed, as the saints shall be, who are alive at Christ's second coming. Those who begin to walk with God when young, may expect to walk with him long, comfortably, and usefully. The true christian's steady walk in holiness, through many a year, till God takes him, will best recommend that religion which many oppose and many abuse. And walking with God well agrees with the cares, comforts, and duties of life.”

Father, may we be found faithful to walk with you. May it be our joy. May it be a journey of dependency in continual communion with You through your Spirit and grace. God, may we be encouraged by the faith of Enoch, that we would see even an early departure to heaven not only as gain, but as an “unspeakable advantage”.

(1 John 4)

Verse 12 says, “…if we love one another, god lives in us and his love is made complete in us.”

When I first read this verse, I was thinking about love in the form of affection or fondness. I thought for sure it was speaking of the word “philos” which means “to have affection for, denoting personal attachment.” That’s an emotional love.

Many times in response to a scripture or principle like mentioned in verse 12, we say, “oh yeah, I love that guy” or “I love people”, but if it’s just words or even a GENUINE feeling, is that enough? Not according to this scripture.

The word for love used in 1 John is “agapao”. It means to love in a social or moral sense. It has a wider definition of love than typically thought of, embracing especially the “deliberate assent of the will as a matter of principle, duty and propriety”. In layman’s terms, it’s a verb. It’s an action. To act in love. To do caring things or act caringly because our faith morality depends on it.

The result? Verse 12 says that if we do this, God’s love is made complete in us. It actually says His love is “perfected” in us. What kind of love is he speaking of when speaking of himself? It’s not the same word used earlier. This time God uses the word “Agape” to describe His love. It’s from “agapao” (the word used earlier) but has a different meaning. Agape means not just the action of the love, but the affection and benevolence of a complete, Godly love.

I believe with all my heart that God’s love has multiple desires for our lives. First, that it would simply be received. Second, according to scripture, in order for it to be made “perfect” or “complete” in YOU and ME, our response to that love has to be a moral and social action of love towards others. I would imagine this should be a way of life, more than a scheduled event. This is one reason why Jesus said the greatest commandments are to love God and love others.

As I read some of my past entries, I realize that I’ve spent a lot of time recently talking about loving those who are poor. I’m not trying to do that. In fact, I’m trying to find a new theme, but God has placed on my heart, more than ever in my life, those who are outcast in our society (no matter the reason), the abandoned of our world, the sick, the hurting (the list goes on and on.) How appropriate when we are talking about a love in a moral or social sense. With that in mind, I find myself writing about it a lot, and in turn, for the first time in my life, trying to make a significant effort to do something about it.

My goal has not been to go through the bible and find all the verses on injustice and social morality. I’m just reading and studying along, one chapter at a time, as it’s written. What I’m finding, I can’t get away from this stuff. It’s everywhere.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Genesis 4, 1 John 3

Thursday, Nov. 29, 2007 – Brandon Hatmaker

(Genesis 4)

It’s so important that not only do we offer God our best, but also that we offer him our first. This goes far beyond our money or physical offerings. The question comes to mind, do we have God’s interests in the front of our minds. When we do, all the pettiness of the world falls away. All our selfish ambition and mental and spiritual struggles fade into perspective. This is why we are encouraged regularly throughout scripture to get ready for persecution and trials, because they will come. And if our starting point of each move, decision, and effort is from an offering to God from the BEGINNING, we will stand upright before him. He will lift us up. He will give us strength.

Priority was the difference with Cain and Abel. Chapter 4 says, “Now Abel kept flocks, and Cain worked the soil. In the course of time Cain brought some of the fruits of the soil as an offering to the LORD. But Abel brought fat portions from some of the firstborn of his flock. The LORD looked with favor on Abel and his offering, but on Cain and his offering he did not look with favor. So Cain was very angry, and his face was downcast.”

The scripture tell us that Abel brought “some fruits”. Abel brought “first fruits”. It’s as much about priority and heart as it is what they actually brought. In fact, scripture doesn’t even describe the quality or portion of the fruit that Cain brought. Think about what might have gone through their minds that made them come to the decision of what they would bring. There are so many “mental” deals we make with God instead of just choosing him first. God, if you’ll just do this, then I’ll do this. God, I’m just gonna do this one more time and then never again. I promise. God, I know I should do this, but you know my heart, right… one day I’ll live for you. God, I know this isn’t about me, but look what I’ve done, I’ve done it for you.

Father, this morning I pray that your Spirit does His work in our hearts. Your Word says that you have given us everything we need through the Spirit to live a righteous life. Give us strength and desire to yield to you each moment, each decision, each reaction, that we might be found upright before you and in turn, build up the body of Christ instead of tear it down.

(1 John 3)

So clearly it is written in verse 7, “Dear children, do not let anyone lead you astray. He who does what is right is righteous, just as he is righteous.”

So let’s take a look at ourselves. What wrong are we doing? What are we doing right? What are we doing that is idle or neutral? What is the condition of our attitudes, our speech, our hearts, our thoughts, our actions, and our reactions? Today. Let’s answer these questions according to scripture, not according to opinion, or custom, or of our flesh, but according to scripture. Let’s look at scripture, not to be torn down or beat ourselves up where we fail or fall short. Instead, let’s look at it to be encouraged where the small amount of light is shown, to celebrate it, to foster it, to fan the spark to a full flame. May we find confidence in knowing that when we do what God’s Word credits as righteousness, righteousness is credited to us. (By the grace of God, and His grace alone).

I had the honor of spending several hours this week with Alan Graham, the founder of Mobile Loaves and Fishes, in Austin. (An organization that has served more than a million meals to the poor and the outcast of Austin over the last 9 years) He’s my new hero. My wife is convinced that now she knows what Jesus really looks like, and he has a big white beard. The irony, Alan kind of looks like Santa Claus (Seriously). His words were full of practical wisdom and confidence. Everything he said resonated so perfectly with my spirit. While I’ve served the homeless before, I was on the verge of tears all night as we went from stop to stop feeding (and spending time with) the outcasts of our city. It was something about the Spirit with us. It was something about Alan’s Spirit. It was something amazingly Godly about that truck we drove that had been prayed over and dedicated for this task alone, full of food. Constantly he referenced Isaiah 58 and Matthew 25. So if there is ever a doubt about what we do that will be credited as righteousness, remember what the scriptures say in both the Old and New Testaments, these scriptures teach themselves:

Isaiah 58: 3-12

3“’Why have we fasted,' they say, 'and you have not seen it? Why have we humbled ourselves, and you have not noticed?' 
"Yet on the day of your fasting, you do as you please and exploit all your workers. 4 Your fasting ends in quarreling and strife, and in striking each other with wicked fists. You cannot fast as you do today and expect your voice to be heard on high. 5 Is this the kind of fast I have chosen, only a day for a man to humble himself? Is it only for bowing one's head like a reed and for lying on sackcloth and ashes? 
Is that what you call a fast, a day acceptable to the LORD ?

6 "Is not this the kind of fasting I have chosen: to loose the chains of injustice and untie the cords of the yoke, to set the oppressed free and break every yoke? 7 Is it not to share your food with the hungry and to provide the poor wanderer with shelter— when you see the naked, to clothe him, and not to turn away from your own flesh and blood? 8 Then your light will break forth like the dawn, and your healing will quickly appear; then your righteousness will go before you, 
and the glory of the LORD will be your rear guard.

9 Then you will call, and the LORD will answer; you will cry for help, and he will say: Here am I. 
"If you do away with the yoke of oppression, with the pointing finger and malicious talk, 10 and if you spend yourselves in behalf of the hungry and satisfy the needs of the oppressed, 
then your light will rise in the darkness, 
and your night will become like the noonday.

11 The LORD will guide you always; 
he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame. 
You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail. 12 Your people will rebuild the ancient ruins and will raise up the age-old foundations; you will be called Repairer of Broken Walls, Restorer of Streets with Dwellings.”

Matthew 25:31-45

31"When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, he will sit on his throne in heavenly glory. 32All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats.

33He will put the sheep on his right and the goats on his left.

34"Then the King will say to those on his right, 'Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. 35For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, 36I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.'

37"Then the righteous will answer him, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? 38When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? 39When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?'

40"The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.'

41"Then he will say to those on his left, 'Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. 42For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, 43I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.'

44"They also will answer, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?'

45"He will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.'

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Genesis 3, 1 John 2

Wednesday, Nov. 28, 2007 – Brandon Hatmaker

(Genesis 3)

Genesis 3 introduces the fall of man. What a colossal turn in history it represents. Not only for what happened that day in the garden, but also an image of how we deal with sin today. So many times it starts with us questioning what scripture really says about something or even more common, the lack of us having any exposure to God’s instructions or word at all. I’ve always been drawn to a couple things out of Genesis 3 that we should be aware of. The first is how Satan (and many times ourselves, thanks James) questions what God “really” says. I believe we have always fallen prey to our own ignorance of God’s Word. Many times in trying to justify an action. In verse 1 it says, “Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the LORD God had made. He said to the woman, "Did God really say, 'You must not eat from any tree in the garden'?"

The answer, yes he did. But we still question it. Second, the attack is on the “real consequence” of our action. So many times we have a lapse of reality in choosing to do something wrong. We don’t see the significance of it or the gravity of it’s impact whether directly or collateral damage. In verse 4 it says, "You will not surely die," the serpent said to the woman. "For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil."

He even began to question God’s motives. Can you believe that? Reminds me of today. So many questions of faith of those skeptical come from a misunderstanding of God and His Holy intentions. I think we as his ambassadors sometimes add to that “distorted” image, even unintentionally. Just take a moment to think about how true it is that people question God’s intention. He tells us over and over and over, it’s love. It was proven in Genesis 3. His instruction was rejected and man was now under the head of sin through Adam. If we weren’t deceived, and the world could see His pure love, who wouldn’t want that?

Then look what happens. How often is this our typical response to our own sin, blame someone else?

After God called them out for their disobedience, verse 12 gives us Adams excuse, "The woman you put here with me—she gave me some fruit from the tree, and I ate it." And her excuse was captured one verse later in 13, "The serpent deceived me, and I ate.”

God, help us to see the schemes of Satan in our life. Protect us from our selfish desires as well. Help us to not be enticed and dragged away. Help us to stay true to your Word. Father, give us a burning passion for your Living Word that we might know when we are distorting your truth or twisting the true consequence. Then God, when we sin, may we confess it. Help us to stop covering up and blaming others. Help us God to own our mistakes and live in your grace.

(1 John 2)

Verse 3-6 says, We know that we have come to know him if we obey his commands. The man who says, "I know him," but does not do what he commands is a liar, and the truth is not in him. But if anyone obeys his word, God's love is truly made complete in him. This is how we know we are in him: Whoever claims to live in him must walk as Jesus did.”

These are very powerful words. These are very indicting words as well. Jesus said that it is enough for a student to be like his teacher. John says we must walk as Jesus walked. He says that we must obey his command. What was his command? He said it in John 13, “A new command I give to you, love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.”

I’m struck by the fact that this new command was not a “thou shalt not…” as typical commands were and as we’ve grown accustom to in our religious practices. Instead, and on the contrary, it was about what we should do with the truth and life of Jesus.

“And now, dear children, continue in him, so that when he appears we may be confident and unashamed before him at his coming. If you know that he is righteous, you know that everyone who does what is right has been born of him.” 1 John 2: 28-29

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Genesis 2, 1 John 1

Tuesday, Nov. 27, 2007 – Brandon Hatmaker

(Genesis 2)

Today, I’ll just give some brief thoughts from Matthew Henry on God’s command to Adam and Eve:

“Let us never set up our own will against the holy will of God. There was not only liberty allowed to man, in taking the fruits of paradise, but everlasting life made sure to him upon his obedience. There was a trial appointed of his obedience. By transgression he would forfeit his Maker's favour, and deserve his displeasure, with all its awful effects; so that he would become liable to pain, disease, and death. Worse than that, he would lose the holy image of God, and all the comfort of his favour; and feel the torment of sinful passions, and the terror of his Maker's vengeance, which must endure for ever with his never dying soul. The forbidding to eat of the fruit of a particular tree was wisely suited to the state of our first parents. In their state of innocence, and separated from any others, what opportunity or what temptation had they to break any of the ten commandments? The event proves that the whole human race were concerned in the trial and fall of our first parents.”
Thank you Lord that you loved the world so much, that you gave us a savior. Thank you that you gave your only son, that we might believe and have eternal life in Him.
(1 John 1)

In speaking of the “Word made life”, 1 John says in verse 3 and 4, “We proclaim to you what we have seen and heard, so that you also may have fellowship with us. And our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son, Jesus Christ. We write this to make our joy complete.”

The word translated fellowship, is From the Greek word “koinonos”. What an amazing concept! It literally means a partnership, participation, benefaction, communion, and distribution. What an amazingly complete relationship.

It’s amazing that the word is proclaimed that we might have fellowship with one another, with the Father, and with the son. And just as much, that the reason for him writing these words were to be of an encouragement resulting in JOY.

Father, may our plight together be one of joy and relationship with one another. May we put our agendas aside and trust in your divine leading. May we throw off the desires of man and press into the Word made flesh that brings life, and proclaim that truth with passion. Whatever you call us to do, give us the courage and strength to do it.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Genesis 1, 2 Peter

Monday, Nov. 26, 2007 – Brandon Hatmaker

(Genesis 1)

While there are many incredible things to discuss in the first chapter of Genesis, there are two that stand out to me today that I want to take note of. The first is the power of God. Throughout the chapter God “spoke”, and it was. That’s it. He said, “Let there be…” and it was. Wow. This is the same God that claims us as His children today.

The last few days my five year old has been sick. It’s been miserable for him. But it’s been miserable for us as well. I hate it as a parent when I feel powerless. Literally nothing I could do to comfort him. Jen or I could scratch his back while he’s awake in the middle of the night and give him advil for his fever. We could try and comfort him and hold him while he’s crying because his throat hurts so bad. We could try to convince him to eat although he doesn’t want to swallow. But we are so limited.

Our God, spoke and it was. Believer, let me ask you, what problem will we encounter in life that our God cannot pull us through, protect us in, or lift us up? It doesn’t exist. Sin. No problem. Death. No problem. You name it. Thank you God.

The second is found in verse 2, “Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep.” This is the first time I’ve ever thought about it this way, but this is a great picture of our lives prior to Christ: formless, empty, and dark. What an amazing image of what all our hopes and dreams look like without a divine perspective of eternity. What an amazing example of the true value of an accomplished personal goal without the hand of God. Without him, we are truly passing away. To claim a famous line from a song “just dust in the wind.”

Father, I pray for the continued confidence and growing faith in your power. God may we entrust with you all of our lives. All of our possessions are from you. All our blessings in life, all our opportunities in life, are from you. Thank you Lord. Give us a faith to trust in you. May we be encouraged to continuously be amazed by your faithfulness, your power, and your love. May we always give you credit when we see it.

(2 Peter 3)

In speaking of the inevitable return of Christ, Verse 14 challenges us, “So then, dear friends, since you are looking forward to this, make every effort to be found spotless, blameless and at peace with him.”

It’s amazing how much time and effort we give towards gaining approval of man instead of God. Yet scripture says to be found spotless, blameless and at peace with HIM. I think this is why this theme is found so often throughout scripture. It’s a problem for us. It’s one of the key things that keep us from moving forward in so many areas of our lives.

Now we certainly have to consider others feelings, perspectives, etc… that is a given. But when something is right, or God is leading, we must do it. To the best of our ability, we must consider the impact on others and follow God. This verse reminds us that we stand accountable to God, not man. This should give us comfort.

So here’s a question, when do we listen to man? I think when it’s obviously Godly counsel. Once again, when it’s obviously Godly counsel. Why? Because when it is Godly, it’s obvious. When it comes from someone who has a greater perspective than you, that you trust. Someone you know who spends more time in God’s Word than you. It’s someone that talks more about the ways of Jesus than the ways of the world. Someone who is always sharing what God is doing in their lives because God is always working in their lives, and it’s evident. It’s someone who is always looking out for other people more than themselves. It’s someone that is proven not to have an agenda. This may not always be a person of power or position. It may just be someone God has placed in your life who has been a humble servant of the King for many years.

It’s tragic how much self-focused counsel we give and receive as believers. It’s difficult for us to even see through our own personal agenda to realize that there is a life and a vision outside of ours. When our whole life is about us, we become blind to the world around us.

God, this morning I pray for continued clarity and confidence in the desire to gain your approval. That we would stand blameless before you alone. God, give us the strength to give counsel only that is from you and help us to see when our selfishness is taking over. Give your children the discernment to know what is counsel that is of you, and what is of man. May we claim verse 18 as a prayer that we may, “…grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” So that to him, be glory both now and forever!

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Malachi 4, 2 Peter 2

Friday, Nov. 24, 2007 – Brandon Hatmaker

(Malachi 4)

In the final chapter of the final book of the Old Testament, Malachi offers two indictments and their punishment: He tells us there was a day coming in which the (1) arrogant and (2) every evildoer will be stubble that eventually will be burned. Through Christ, God makes available to us forgiveness for our arrogance and evildoing, but it still exists in our life in various forms. And more so, it is still opposite of the ways of God. Scripture says that we have been released from the eternal consequence of our sin, we have been given everything we need through the spirit to live a life of holiness, now we must make effort to do so.

The word arrogant used in Malachi 4, comes from a Hebrew word that translates directly as the “proud”. It’s root has a focus on action more than the state of being meaning to “be insolent or deal with proudly”. The soul heart of this scripture relates to how we relate with others. With that in mind, here’s a question: In what ways are we arrogant? Scripture teaches clearly that we are to be humble in spirit, considering others more highly than ourselves, to be gentle with one another, and to love as Christ loved us. Malachi doesn’t give us a topic of discussion in which we must not be proud about, just a method. We need to fill in the blank.

Another quick thought on Chapter 4. The very next verse (vs2) says, “But for you who revere my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings. And you will go out and leap like calves released from the stall.”

I grew up in western Colorado. We had horses and I got to see a handful born. It was something amazing to see a newborn colt get his legs and stand, then start walking. But even more entertaining was watching them start running and kicking for the first time. You couldn’t help but laugh watching them run around. It was a very joyful thing. I can’t explain it, but it was. It’s close to the same thing as watching your dog run around your house after getting out of a bath. It’s crazy. I’ve never seen anyone not think that was funny.

Verse 2 says for those of us who revere His name, not only will we experience the healing in His wings, but we will “go out and leap like calves released from the stall.” While I can’t say that I’ve seen calves released from the stall, I’ve seen horses and wet dogs. That’s a pretty great word picture. What an amazing moment that will be when we realize how truly we are cleansed, free, and secure.

(2 Peter 2)

Verse 19 reminds me us to not take lightly our personal weaknesses, “a man is a slave to whatever has mastered him”. I’ve found it common that each of us have a “deadly sin” issue or temptation that is unique to us. One man may struggle more with lust, while another with pride. One man may struggle with insecurity, while another with anger. Many have multiple struggles, obviously, but there is usually one or two that dominate each of us uniquely. We must know what ours are in order to do battle with them. Why? Peter reminds us of the truths about our nature found in Proverbs, "A dog returns to its vomit," and, "A sow that is washed goes back to her wallowing in the mud."

Father, thank you that you have given us every ability through Christ, to overcome temptation and sin in our lives. Father, continue to give us the strength and leading to abide in Him. Help us to stay in your Word, to trust in it’s truth, to have faith in your ways. Help us to grow in the knowledge that then, and only then, will we walk and find comfort in that truth.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Malachi 3, 2 Peter 1

(Malachi 3)

So many times we think about justice as someone getting what they deserve. We think often about someone who’s done something terribly wrong to another person and then get the consequence of their actions. But there is another side of justice, injustice. When someone has been treated wrongly, taken advantage of, or neglected. How many times are we agents of injustice? This is a great question to ask ourselves in light of God’s justice. Especially his grace.

Father, Malachi 3 says that when we are filled with your Spirit, we are empowered with justice and might (vs8). Help us to use that first to blot out transgressions in our lives God and seek to fight injustice. God we are so quick to turn to judgment. Fill us with appreciation for sharing your grace.

(2 Peter 1)

In verse 3 we find a bold statement, “His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness.”

Why is it that we continue to look elsewhere for the power and strength to live the life worthy of our calling outside of Christ? Everything, and I mean everything we need is found in Jesus. That’s it. It’s the fulfillment of the law. It’s grace. It’s love. It’s peace. It’s a healed relationship between a creator and his fallen creation. It’s for yesterday, today and forever. Thank you, Lord.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Malachi 2, 1 Peter 5

(Malachi 2)

It’s always interesting to me when I read something in the New Testament at the same time as I read a related truth in the Old Testament. There are times that I feel most certainly that the Spirit is leading that to affirm or confirm a leading, but there are other times that I just have to realize that some of these truths are just ALL OVER the Bible. I feel that way about the topic of how we view injustice, the oppressed, and the poor. I’ve always, and I mean always, thought that was primarily a New Testament topic. But read the prophets from cover to cover. Most frequently, that was God’s indictment. When we don’t read through scripture as we study, and instead only pick and choose our verses, we miss them in context and even more so can easily miss the consistency of God’s heart. We’ll find ourselves going back to the same verses over and over instead of discovering new ones.

In Malachi 2, we see a continued theme that we saw in 1 Peter 4: The significance of our relationship with our wives on the IMPACT of our communication and worship of our God. Just look at verses 13 and 14: “Another thing you do: You flood the LORD's altar with tears. You weep and wail because he no longer pays attention to your offerings or accepts them with pleasure from your hands. You ask, "Why?" It is because the LORD is acting as the witness between you and the wife of your youth, because you have broken faith with her, though she is your partner, the wife of your marriage covenant.”

Father, thank you for the gift of marriage, and the covenant relationship that it represents. Thank you that you saw us as men in your creation and knew something was missing. Thank you for our wives. May we cherish them and honor them as an act of worship to you.

(1 Peter 5)

There is so much to learn and be challenged from in chapter 5. I’ll focus on verse 8, “Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.”

This morning Father, I pray for my brothers in Christ. I pray that you will help each of us see our blind spots. I pray you will help us stay in your word. Protect us. Help us to be self-controlled and alert. Give us the strength to follow your leading and resist our own selfish desires that entice us and drag us away and give birth to sin. God, may we see sin for what it is, leading only to death.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Malachi 1, 1 Peter 4

(Malachi 1)

Malachi certainly jumps out of the gates with some bold accusations on God’s children, and by direct implication, us. So many times we offer our “second best” to God as worship, sacrifice, efforts, and life. As I look at verse 7, I saw something I never noticed before. It says, “ (7) You place defiled food on my altar. 
But you ask, 'How have we defiled you?' By saying that the LORD's table is contemptible. (8) When you bring blind animals for sacrifice, is that not wrong? When you sacrifice crippled or diseased animals, is that not wrong?

God certainly draws light to the low level of sacrifice the priests were bringing to the alter table, he reminds us in verse 9 that they would never bring such a poor offering to worldly leaders and authorities in their lives, but they still brought them to their God.

But look at what he says, “You place defiled food on my alter” But you ask, “ How have we defiled you?”

Yes, we see that. But look what’s next in what they have said: “By saying that the Lord’s table is contemptible.’

They are indicting themselves by their own accusation. They know, in advance, exactly their hypocrisy. Geeze, this sounds just like us when we say we should live a certain way as believers and yet don’t. We spend all our time figuring out what is the way we should live in Christ, then don’t do it. How long can we live like this? This is an uncomfortable thought for me, but must be addressed. I think we should take notice to this accusation, the problem was not just what they did wrong, but also in what they acknowledged before they did it.

God, bring to light in our lives the area in which we condemn, yet live the same way. Help us God to get passed the sacrifice and get to the heart of the sacrifice.

(1 Peter 4)

During our small group conversation Sunday evening we discussed briefly the question: “What exists in my life that is polarizing to others who might be far from Christ?” The heart of the question is to discover what things are in our lives that might turn seekers away from God. I think when this happens, we have to take a long, hard look at whether they are seeing a pure image of Christ, or a poor image of us and our religiousness. I'm not talking about how we can pretend to have it all together. I'm talking about how we TRULY invite Christ to shine through in our lives.

Peter made me think of this today in verses 12 and 13 when he said, “Dear friends, do not be surprised at the painful trial you are suffering, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice that you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed.”

We have a lot of claims in our lives as believers. We claim that the joy of the Lord is our strength. We claim that Christ not only gives us life, but life to the fullest. We claim that we rejoice in our sufferings. And yet, do we live like it? Too many times I’ve heard skeptics and critics of faith look at a believers life and they would argue they don’t see joy, contentment, fulfillment, peace, or a number of other things we claim. Bottom line, they don’t believe that is the result of a faith life. All they see is the stuff they really like in life they have to give up. Doesn’t sound like much of a full life to them.

So when we have struggles and we cannot rejoice. When we are down and do not experience joy in our faith. We must take great issue with finding out where is that coming from that we might live under the Grace of God’s design.

May we do business with God and find the reason why. May we let go of our selfishness to have things our way (which is probably a majority of why we’re not at peace, joyful, or content). May we remember that while He is the same yesterday, today, and forever, it is us who is ever changing. It’s not God, it’s us.

Father, help us to find complete peace, joy, contentment, satisfaction, fulfillment, direction, leading, and love in you. Help us to deny ourselves and keep us from infiltrating the image of Christ that we portray with our own flesh. May you be glorified in spite of us and through us.