Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Genesis 2, 1 John 1

Tuesday, Nov. 27, 2007 – Brandon Hatmaker

(Genesis 2)

Today, I’ll just give some brief thoughts from Matthew Henry on God’s command to Adam and Eve:

“Let us never set up our own will against the holy will of God. There was not only liberty allowed to man, in taking the fruits of paradise, but everlasting life made sure to him upon his obedience. There was a trial appointed of his obedience. By transgression he would forfeit his Maker's favour, and deserve his displeasure, with all its awful effects; so that he would become liable to pain, disease, and death. Worse than that, he would lose the holy image of God, and all the comfort of his favour; and feel the torment of sinful passions, and the terror of his Maker's vengeance, which must endure for ever with his never dying soul. The forbidding to eat of the fruit of a particular tree was wisely suited to the state of our first parents. In their state of innocence, and separated from any others, what opportunity or what temptation had they to break any of the ten commandments? The event proves that the whole human race were concerned in the trial and fall of our first parents.”
Thank you Lord that you loved the world so much, that you gave us a savior. Thank you that you gave your only son, that we might believe and have eternal life in Him.
(1 John 1)

In speaking of the “Word made life”, 1 John says in verse 3 and 4, “We proclaim to you what we have seen and heard, so that you also may have fellowship with us. And our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son, Jesus Christ. We write this to make our joy complete.”

The word translated fellowship, is From the Greek word “koinonos”. What an amazing concept! It literally means a partnership, participation, benefaction, communion, and distribution. What an amazingly complete relationship.

It’s amazing that the word is proclaimed that we might have fellowship with one another, with the Father, and with the son. And just as much, that the reason for him writing these words were to be of an encouragement resulting in JOY.

Father, may our plight together be one of joy and relationship with one another. May we put our agendas aside and trust in your divine leading. May we throw off the desires of man and press into the Word made flesh that brings life, and proclaim that truth with passion. Whatever you call us to do, give us the courage and strength to do it.

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