“Keep me safe, O God, for in you I take refuge.” – Psalm 16:1
If we lived life from the position of a found refuge in God, life would change. If we were constantly aware that our refuge comes from Him, if we made decisions based on that protection, relief, and comfort, if we sought Him as our primary source of help, and if we allowed everything to flow out of that reality, we’d find the magic bullet for life. We’d find it in Christ. It would saturate everything and offer a new confidence. Anything not covered by this “bullet” would not only seem insignificant, it would be proven so.
I love that this is verse 1. It’s an opening statement for David as much as it is a prayer or request. He has the confidence to make the request to God only because his statement of refuge is true. And he was known as a man after God’s own heart.
It makes me wonder how great God’s desire is for us to find refuge in Him. How close is it to His heart? Is it possible that this is one of His greatest offerings through Christ? For many, faith has become anything but refuge. It has become powerless, rote, or even daunting. It has become something to be done instead of something you are. It has become a part of life instead of life itself.
If our foundation is refuge, true refuge, this would never be the case.
I think we have "out worked" God in our society. We have had it drilled into us that hard work is what we need. If we want something we just have to work hard to get it. If we are down in our luck then we need to work ourselves out of the hole. We have taken something good, work ethic, and made it into something bad. We no longer truly rely on God. You are so right our lives and our world would be much different if we relied on God and not ourselves. As we grow closer to God, I think, I hope, that we will rely more on Him and not hard work.