While obviously, we should measure success by the standards in which we think God measures success, our nature is to measure it by the things that typically bring us honor in the minds of our contemporaries. Wanting to be honored among men is an amazingly powerful temptation and thus shape a majority of our lives. Made me think how important it is that we choose wisely those we allow to influence our pursuits. It also made this final thought from Psalm 12 come alive for me today:
“The wicked freely strut about when what is vile is honored among men.” – Psalm 12:8
I am tired of stats. When I was at the end with FCA, it seemed like everybody wanted to number something. If you had so many of this you were a success. If you had so many of that you were doing things right. I just want to scream. I think in our society we have over stated Jesus. Don't get me wrong, I think you can see if Jesus is having an impact on what you are doing. If Jesus is in it then there should be visiablly changed lives. I just think we have taken the mysterious out of Jesus. How can we possibly put a number to a salvation? We had a church leadership meeting yesterday after church. The subject of measuring the dept of our ministries came up. Who am I to say this person is here or there on their relationship with Jesus? Who are any of us to measure that? I think we should be looking at the impact on our society and our town to see if we are doing what God wants. Truly God is the only One who knows how deep our relationship goes with Him.