Thursday, October 11, 2007

Micah 5, 2 Timothy 2

Micah 5

Today I’m struck by something I’d typically overlook in verses 4 and 5:

“He will stand and shepherd his flock in the strength of the LORD, in the majesty of the name of the LORD his God. And they will live securely, for then his greatness will reach to the ends of the earth. And he will be their peace.” Micah 5:4-5

I struggle daily with finding peace in my journey. My nature is to try and find it through accomplishing a task for God, doing something good or right, even sometimes the duty of spending time with God (moment of transparency). I’m a list guy and a detail guy, so it’s hard for me to just be still sometimes. My nature is to want to do things for God (as if he needs me to) instead of allow him to do things through me. I believe even then, with noble efforts at heart, my dependency leaves and my peace can go with it.

When teaching about the coming of Christ, Micah 5 reminds us that it’s “the strength of the Lord”, the “majesty of his name”, and in “his greatness” that he will “live securely” and he will “be their peace”. It’s regardless of our situation, success, strength, reputation, or even our greatness.

God, this morning, I pray that we find peace in you alone. That we remember that in all our task ahead, in following your leading, in our surrender, in our healing, in all our success and failures, that it is YOUR strength, your majesty, and your greatness that offers unending peace. We claim that today in Christ. Thank you God that your weakness is stronger than our strength!

2 Timothy 2

There is so much great (and personally indicting) stuff in this chapter. One of the things that stood out to me, which I find my heart crying out for, is captured in verse 14:

“Keep reminding them of these things. Warn them before God against quarreling about words; it is of no value, and only ruins those who listen.” 2 Timothy 2:14

As “Churched” Christians, there are so many things we argue about that I think we’ll be surprised to find the true answer one day. How can we be so convinced on what Paul would call disputable matters? How can we be so convinced that we have captured the mind of God in our argument of how selection or pre-destination vs free will truly looks like? How can we be so confident that the rapture will occur before the tribulation or after?

These things are certainly issues of faith for discussion that I pray gives us a desire to seek out God’s greatness, indeed. But I pray it to be a celebration in the great mystery of our God, who’s understanding makes us look like a first-grader doing calculus. MUCH LESS NOT an issue that divides the church or confuses a seeker, new believer, or skeptic.

God, allow us to swallow our pride that you might rule in our minds as well as our hearts and souls. Give us the desire to allow you to be sovereign and allow our minds to suffer where we yearn for selfish answers that may have no bearing on how we should live or love. God, as we seek out truth, may it be for your glory and not our ammo in discussion with others. Keep us humble in our knowledge that our goal would be that we might live it and not just study it.

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