Friday, October 5, 2007

Micah 1, 1 Timothy 4

Micah 1

“The mountains melt beneath him and the valleys split apart, like wax before the fire, like water rushing down a slope.”

God, I’m humbled by your majesty and power. Forgive me forever doubting your ways or wondering if you’re there. God tune me in to your leading. May I hear you in a whisper. May I recognize your voice in the wind. God, my selfishness, desires you to speak like thunder, but God, may I learn to be so sensitive to your spirit the the Holy Spirit in me just knows what you’re saying. May I truly walk with you.

1 Timothy 4

“…whose consciences have been seared as with a hot iron.”

Paul uses this as a way to describe the spiritual condition of those who have abandoned their faith and are teaching falsely. I’m challenged with this thought. If we ever get to a place in which we abandon our conscience, when we no longer care about people. When we choose our self over love of others without conscious. May we be aware and may we beware.

There will be moments we have to make tough decisions and people will not understand, disagree, or possibly be hurt. If those are the right decisions before God, may we labor and hurt for those people. May we not be calloused to the point of dismissal. I pray there is a huge confidence and affirmation in God’s leading, but may it be out of love. Always with compassion and care. When people are hurt, even when we’re right, it should grieve our spirit.

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